Odyssey Of The Mind

Truly Wonderful, The Mind Of A Child Is

What is Odyssey of the Mind (OotM)?

Odyssey of the Mind is an educational program that provides creative problem-solving opportunities for students from kindergarten through college. It challenges teams of up to 7 students to find creative solutions to open-ended problems. These self-organized teams work on the solution: writes the script, designs and makes costumes and props. They bring diverse talents to their teams through music, dance, acting, engineering, critical thinking, and leadership. The teams present their solutions at competitions on the local, state, and even world level. ​

What Do Parents Do?

Parents serve as team coaches, but MAY NOT help with the solution. Parent volunteers who coach teams, help keep the team together, organized, focused and remove any impediments. They help run this program that make it possible for students to go through incredible mind opening experiences. The teams must have a least one volunteer parent coach. But there can be more than one coach!

How It Works?

Read the problems synopses with your children and have them choose a problem that interests them.

Grades K-2 can only choose the Primary Problem (non-competitive)

  • Introductory: Teams are introduced to Odyssey of the Mind with an age appropriate problem similar to a competitive one.

Grades 3-5 can choose from Problems 1 through 5

  • Problem 1 (Vehicle): Teams design, build and operate either a ride-on or self-contained powered vehicle with various energy sources.
  • Problem 2 (Technical): Teams create innovative contraptions and devices while incorporating artistic elements into their solutions.
  • Problem 3 (Classics): Teams research, interpret and present a performance of a classic – literature to architecture to art to mythology.
  • Problem 4 (Structure): Teams design and build a balsa wood and glue structure then test it to see how much weight it can balance and hold.
  • Problem 5 (Drama): Teams present a performance that revolves around a specific theme and incorporate required humorous elements.

Team Size:
Create a team of minimum 5 to maximum 7 students.
Please fill up the Parents Interest Survey to join a team

Team Meetings: 
Starting last week of October and running until early March, teams meet at least weekly (sometimes more often closer to competition) to practice Spontaneous Problems and to practice a solutions for their Long Term Problem. Meeting venue will be determined by the parents.

Costs Details:
National Membership Fee –  $290 (gives you access to the problem details for the 5 problems + Primary)
State Membership Fee – $80
Tournament Fees – $75 (due at tournament sign-up for every team)
*There maybe additional expenses involved for costumes and props which will be borne by individual teams.


Parent Information Night 2023

Zoom RecordingSlide Deck

Important Links

Visit the official website of OotM or click below.

State SiteRegional Site
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