Green Team

Reuse, Reduce and Recycle

Bancroft Elementary wants to become a Greener Bancroft!   Few year ago, a “waste audit” was led by Recycle Smart and some brave students.  During this audit of the lunch recycle, compost and landfill bins, we found that we have a big opportunity to do our part to help the planet.  It was found that there was so much incorrect disposal of the waste that the recycling and compost could not be used as designated and would have been all sent to the landfill.  Here are some statistics that were found:

  • The composting bin only contained 4% of what should have been composted– compost should have been a total of 25.7 lbs
  • Only 22% of what was thrown into the Landfill bin was correctly disposed, meaning 78% of items in the Landfill bin could have been recycled or composted. Landfill should have been 3.25 lbs
  • 75% of what was thrown in the Recycle bin was actually composting, trash or reusable containers from home! (check the lost and found if yours did not come home!)

Green Team will come back soon! In the meantime, talk to your child about ways to reduce waste, separate trash, and bring a reusable water bottle to school. We only have one planet and we must take care of it!

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