School Events
Do It With Passion
Every year the PFC hosts several community events in the evening to which the whole family is invited
Book Fair
Bancroft hosts two book fairs per year (November/December and April). Stop by the MUR the week of the book fair to get great deals on books and buy books on your teachers donation list, all while earning Scholastic points for our school librarian to use to stock our library shelves! More information will be posted as it becomes available.

Family Nights
Throughout the year Bancroft holds several Family Nights. The themes in the past have included Makers Fair, Mathletics, Cultural Fair, Winter Dance and Reading Night. Look out for Konstella announcement to find out more about the next event
Ice Cream Social
Every year we have an Ice Cream social to celebrate the beginning of the school year. It is an excellent opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones.

Carnival (a.k.a. Fall Fest)
Each year we hold a carnival with games and entertainment for the whole family. Traditionally this has been a Fall Fest at the end of October.
This is one of our larger community events and requires a lot of volunteers to run smoothly. Reach out to Sandra Gonzalez if you would like to volunteer.