May 2023

Hello Bobcats! It’s the home stretch of the 2022/2023 school year! We’ve been busy these past few months at Bancroft – Auction, Talent Show, Staff Appreciation, Art Show! WHEW! All of the events this year were simply fantastic and showcased all the great and unique gifts our teachers, school staff, Dianne Adair staff, families, and students bring to our community to truly make it great. Thank you to all who organized, volunteered, or simply showed up to support our students. If you were a volunteer at Bancroft this year (even just once!), please be sure to mark your calendar for a Volunteer Appreciation gathering next Wednesday, 5/24 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in the MUR

Families are also invited to a Multi-Purpose Assembly at 8 a.m. on Wednesday 5/31 on the blacktop. The assembly will include the presentation of the new mural and rock garden dedicated to Bancroft’s 2005 – 2019 Principal Ms. Schuler, Character Trait Awards, and a Silly String the Principal event.

Looking forward to the 2023/2024 school year, a great team of parents is in place to lead your PFC! A huge THANK YOU to Sandra Gonzalez who is stepping into the President role next year. She will be joined by Tamara Jimenez as Vice President, Hajra Shah as VP Communications, Sarah Rhodes as VP Strategic Funds, Yotam Levine returning as Treasurer, Andrea Chertoff returning as Financial Secretary, Agam Patel returning as Recording Secretary, and Dave Barnard returning as Parliamentarian/Historian. A big thank you to outgoing board member, Irina Raven.

A robust 2023/2024 budget was voted on and approved at the May 9th PFC meeting. We have set the bar high and increased our fundraising goals to allow for five PFC-funded Instructional Assistants and a Math Specialist for the Bancroft campus. We are looking forward to continued enthusiasm for and increased participation in our Dollar-A-Day campaign for next school year. As you are considering your annual giving for this calendar year, please keep in mind that your Fall 2023 Dollar-A-Day contribution (no amount is too small) will be critical for maintaining this exciting level of support staffing for our students and teachers.

We are also looking forward to the installation of a new marquee sign funded through this year’s auction and supplemented with strategic funds. The project planning is underway, and we are hopeful that the new communication tool will be in place for next school year!

It has truly been my pleasure to serve as your PFC President these past two years. It’s amazing to think where we were in 2021 – still navigating the pandemic and wondering what the future would hold. I’m so grateful that we are together again – celebrating our Bobcat students and enriching their experience at Bancroft Elementary.

Warmly, Heather Salter

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